Senin, 17 Oktober 2011

Arsitektur Gedung nembus perut bumi.. (dunyane disuntik karo bangunan)

Deep: The 65-storey 'earth-scraper' is set to plunge 300m into the ground beneath Mexico City
Deep: The 65-storey 'earth-scraper' is set to plunge 300m into the ground beneath Mexico City

- Kalau biasanya kita dibuat terkagum-kagum dengan adanya gedung-gedung tinggi pencakar langit. Kali ini bersiaplah untuk menyambut adanya bangunan luar biasa dari kota Meksiko, yakni gedung pencakar perut bumi.

Gedung pencakar perut bumi yang dimaksud adalah bangunan raksasa berbentuk piramida terbalik yang 'ditancapkan' di kedalaman tanah sedalam 300 meter menuju perut bumi.

Gedung piramida terbalik ini akan memiliki 65 lantai dari bawah tanah. Sebanyak 35 lantai paling ujung atau paling dalam dari gedung ini akan dijadikan pusat perkantoran. 10 lantai di atas area perkantoran adalah tempat tinggal, 10 lantai di atas area tempat tinggal atau pemukiman adalah pusat perbelanjaan, dan 10 lantai di atas pusat perbelanjaan adalah museum.

Permukaan paling atas dari gedung terbalik ini akan ditutupi lantai yang terbuat dari kaca seluas 240 meter x 240 meter. Sehingga di dalam bangunan tersebut mendapatkan cahaya alami dari dunia atas. Di tengah persegi tersebut tak lupa ditancapkan pula bendera nasional Meksiko.

Epic scale: The enormous complex is intended to get round the city's planning laws, which state that buildings can be no more than eight storeys high
Epic scale: The enormous complex is intended to get round the city's planning laws, which state that buildings can be no more than eight storeys high

Landmark: The earth-scraper would be located in the city's main square, and topped with an enormous Mexican flag
Landmark: The earth-scraper would be located in the city's main square, and topped with an enormous Mexican flag

Esteban Suarez, dari perusahaan arsitektur BNKR Arquitectura mengatakan, bangunan tersebut akan menjadi pusat budaya baru bagi Meksiko.

"Infrastuktur baru, perkantoran, pusat perbelanjaan dan kawasan hunian baru di kota ini diperlukan tetapi tidak ada lahan yang tersedia," ungkap Suarez seperti dikutip Daily Mail, Kamis (13/10/2011).

Scary: The core is all made of glass to ensure that all parts of the building receive natural sunlight from the world outside
Scary: The core is all made of glass to ensure that all parts of the building receive natural sunlight from the world outside

Relaxing: Designers expect the public areas of the building to become a popular destination for those wishing to escape the bustle of the city
Relaxing: Designers expect the public areas of the building to become a popular destination for those wishing to escape the bustle of the city

Heritage: The earth-scraper is expected to contain a museum and cultural centre which will explore the history of Mexico and its pyramids
Heritage: The earth-scraper is expected to contain a museum and cultural centre which will explore the history of Mexico and its pyramids

"Hukum federal dan hukum lokal melarang adanya penghancuran dari gedung-gedung yang mengandung sejarah. Adapun gedung baru yang boleh dibangun hanya dibatasi sampai delapan tingkat saja," lanjutnya.

"Pusat sejarah kota ini perlu dilakukan pembaharuan tetapi tidak ada tempat untuk itu. Satu-satunya cara adalah membuat gedung yang dibangun terbalik," jelasnya.

Unobtrusive: One advantage of the unusual structure is that it would create space in the centre of Mexico City, which is full of historic buildings which cannot be demolished
Unobtrusive: One advantage of the unusual structure is that it would create space in the centre of Mexico City, which is full of historic buildings which cannot be demolished

Green: The interior of the building is supposed to look natural and welcoming
Green: The interior of the building is supposed to look natural and welcoming

Efficient: The creative use of space would allow the plaza to be used for events such as concerts and military parades
Efficient: The creative use of space would allow the plaza to be used for events such as concerts and military parades

Massive: The space covering the earth-scraper will take up 240 square metres in the heart of Mexico's capital
Massive: The space covering the earth-scraper will take up 240 square metres in the heart of Mexico's capital

Piramida terbalik ini diharapkan akan memiliki peranan besar terhadap sejarah arsitektur Meksiko.(rhs)

Modern: Much of the building is expected to be devoted to office space
Modern: Much of the building is expected to be devoted to office space

Shopping: The earth-scraper would almost certainly become one of the city's top retail destinations as soon as it opened
Shopping: The earth-scraper would almost certainly become one of the city's top retail destinations as soon as it opened

Connected: This picture shows the proposed metro station which would pass through the earth-scraper just below ground level
Connected: This picture shows the proposed metro station which would pass through the earth-scraper just below ground level
Novelty: No other public building extends so far beneath the ground
Novelty: No other public building extends so far beneath the ground

Technical: The building would be an extraordinary feat of engineering
Technical: The building would be an extraordinary feat of engineering

Today: The plaza, shown as it looks currently, would be transformed by the radical plan
Today: The plaza, shown as it looks currently, would be transformed by the radical plan

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