Rabu, 19 Oktober 2011

Daunnya sebesar lapangan sepakbola (judulnya lebay)

NAMA POHON NYA : Gunnera Manicata, Alias, Giant Rhubarb

Unbe-leaf-able! Steve Griffith, garden curator at Abbotsbury Subtropical Gardens in Dorset, shows just has massive this leaf is.
Unbe-leaf-able! Steve Griffith, garden curator at Abbotsbury Subtropical Gardens in Dorset, shows just has massive this leaf is.
It's a wonderful leaf: Gunnera Manicata, aka, Giant Rhubarb, normally achieve a leaf span of around 7ft, but the one in Dorset (not pictured here) has far exceeded that
It's a wonderful leaf: Gunnera Manicata, aka, Giant Rhubarb, normally achieve a leaf span of around 7ft, but the one in Dorset (not pictured here) has far exceeded that

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