Minggu, 04 Juli 2010

Power Ranger Props in TV Movies

Power Ranger Props in TV Movies

Unfortunately I don't have pictures because I never thought back when that I could record the stuff and transfer it to DVD and then on the computer and put it on a blog. Anyhoo, back when Fox Family started, they made their own movies...
Men in White
Men in White (1998) was a parody of Men in Black, I don't know how it is possible to make a parody out of a comedy but it was a horrible movie. I remember seeing the Piranhatrons in the movie, according to IMDB, they had other Power Ranger monsters in it, I am not sure which ones. Also, like in my posts about Buffy and Malcolm in the Middle, Karim Prince (Cestro Blue Aquitar Ranger) was in this movie too!!!

The Chippendales Murder (2000)
I don't have a picture of it, but this TV Movie was made by USA network and was supposedly based on a true story. It starred Naveen Andrews of "Lost." Anyhoo, they had the Movie costumes of Red and Blue in it. I couldn't find the info on IMDB or Wiki, but I remember it there. They didn't have the power coins on the chest and was missing the gloves and other things.

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